- Urban Models -
"I am constantly looking for Urban Models, capturing the essence of hard working women in the streets of Bogotá, transmitting their strength, dignity and richness of their life experience. Through art I portray the daily reality and diversity of tireless women using painting on various surfaces such as cardboard, canvas, etc. I illustrate elements of their work in their hands or in the background of the composition, highlighting their indomitable spirit in the face of the challenges of urban life. The wrinkles and the shine in their eyes are the expression of perseverance and love for life.

Who is Silvana Pabon?
Silvana Pabón is a hypersensitive Colombian artist (PAS) who paints her passions and those of other people in order to improve our quality of life through art. Since 2012 he has been fully dedicated to creating pieces in oil and acrylic on different surfaces such as canvases, walls and reusable material.
Her concept is a combination between Pop Art; seen as a social movement in opposition to the existing elitist culture in fine arts, complementing itself with hyperrealism; where its main focus is the faithful and almost photographic reproduction of reality. She calls this fusion “Hyperpop”.

Mural tribute to women
and diversity
Explore Silvana Pabón's gallery
- Passions are painted to release emotions -